Empathetic Listening

Although we all want to support our friends, colleagues, and family members by being good listeners, few of us actually are!  We are quick to jump in with reassurances or solutions.  In this half-day workshop we will review the most common phrases people say as listeners, and why those phrases actually backfire, leading to less trust between team members.  Afterwards, we will learn and practice simple changes to our listening that can have profound impacts on our relationships.  

We will utilize sustainability case studies to practice responding to someone who is struggling with the challenges inherent in working towards a better world. 

Empathetic listening is also one of the 10 strategies covered in Harnessing Productive Conflict.  This is a deeper dive into this essential skill and can be a follow-up to Harnessing Productive Conflict or a stand-alone workshop. Also pairs well with Team Building and Psychological Safety.

Please email nestedsc@gmail.com for pricing and availability.