The Business Case for Sustainability & ESG

Although an ancient concept, “sustainability” is the 21st century’s latest buzzword. Yet, most people have only a vague notion of what sustainability actually is, let alone how to describe or measure it.  

In this half-day workshop, we will cover seminal models and theories of sustainability;  Planetary Boundaries, the Doughnut Model of Economics, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the United States Sustainable Development Report. We will also cover various ESG (Environmental Social Governance) measurement and reporting tools such as; GRI, SASB, ISSB, and United States and European reporting rules.  We will then overview the most current data on progress and remaining challenges, globally and within the United States, on key measures of sustainability. 

This workshop will include case studies of organizations and municipalities using these models to support their ESG actions and reporting. Ultimately, participants will think holistically about sustainability, identify links between the health of natural and human systems, and be able to confidently engage in dialogue on creating a ‘safe and just space for humanity’. 

This workshop can be targeted to your intended audience including; C-suite executives, managers, staff, an ESG working group, or your organization as a whole. This workshop is also included as part of our ESG consulting package.

Please email for pricing and availability.

ESG Consulting