An Introduction to Systems Thinking

Albert Einstein famously claimed, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Since the Industrial Revolution, we have been governed by silo-thinking, the notion that we can compartmentalize ideas, sectors, departments, or problems for more efficient work and problem-solving.  Yet, the repercussions of this linear thinking have led to disastrous consequences for human and planetary well-being. 

In this half-day workshop, you will learn the 4-level systems thinking model and then practice on key sustainability issues such as climate change, consumption and waste production, or economic inequality.  Participants will then practice systems thinking on a specific sustainability issue of personal and/or professional importance. 

We will also cover key systems concepts of feedback loops, legacy effects, indirect effects, heterogeneity, and unanticipated consequences to learn how systems analysis can help us choose effective intervention strategies. Combine with Introduction to Sustainability or What is Sustainability Leadership? for a full-day introduction to sustainability or deeper dive into sustainability actions.

Please email for pricing and availability.