Team Building and Psychological Safety

The key variable in effective teams is psychological safety.  Psychological safety is "A climate where people are comfortable expressing and being themselves. They feel comfortable sharing concerns or mistakes without fear of embarrassment or retribution; confident that they can speak and won't be humiliated, ignored, or blamed." (Edmonson 2014).   

To successfully work through the complex processes of creating a sustainable planet, we must harness the skills of every individual.  But, when our team members do not feel psychologically safe, they will be incapable of bringing their best self and ideas to the table.  Because psychological safety is created and maintained by someone in a position of leadership, this workshop is targeted to those who are team leads or have people reporting to them.  

In this half-day workshop we will learn what psychological safety is, what is is not, and practice concrete steps to create it within your team. We recommend this session follows others in the Essential Sustainability Leadership Skills Series. 

Please email for pricing and availability.