The Importance of Knowing Yourself

“Knowing others is intelligence; 

knowing yourself is true wisdom. 

Mastering others is strength; 

mastering yourself is true power.” 

~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Before we can be effective leaders, we must first have a strong understanding of ourselves.  Although this should be a given (after all, we are the only person whom we are with our entire lives!), research shows that most people are not nearly as self-aware as they assume themselves to be.  

In this half-day workshop, you will dive into understanding your core values and talents, and how those manifest themselves in your sustainability work. We will use case studies to examine how misunderstandings of the self can lead to conflict in our sustainability work. Next, we will look into research on self-awareness and practice proven techniques to be more truthful and effective in understanding ourselves and how we interact with, and are seen by, others. We will then utilize this knowledge to consider and plan for how each of us as individuals and as a team can best ‘show up’ to do the complex work of sustainability. 

Use this workshop as a follow-up to What is Sustainability Leadership? or, if already completed, couple with another workshop from our Essential Sustainability Leadership Skills Series to scaffold your training. 

Please email for pricing and availability.