What is Sustainability Leadership?

The study of leadership is ancient. Lao Tzu says in the Tao Te Ching, 

“A leader is best, 

When people barely know he exists, 

Of a good leader, 

who talks little, 

When his work is done, 

his aim fulfilled, 

They will say, 

“We did this ourselves.” 

Greek and Roman thoughts on leadership still influence us to this day.  And yet, as we move through the challenges of creating a safe and just space for humanity, we need to examine if our traditional concepts of leadership are serving us, our organizations, or the planet. We need to ask if we are different ways of thinking, doing, and being.

In this half-day workshop, we will start with an overview of seminal leadership theories and examine how they have influenced us as individuals, organizations, and society.  We will ask the critical question- ‘are leaders and leadership synonymous’? Then we will move to the thinking of modern scholars and practitioners on sustainability leadership to examine new skills and behaviors for leadership we need to cultivate and practice that are very different than leadership skills that served people well in the 20th century. 

We will conclude with individuals and/or the team developing a leadership development plan with concrete steps to put into action.  For a full-day session, we recommend pairing this workshop with any additional workshop(s) from the Essential Sustainability Leadership Skills series.

Please email nestedsc@gmail.com for pricing and availability.